Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Goodbye Print Books?

Print Books
In 2005, several schools and universities in the United States began a joint program that iSchool (Information School). All schools, universities and departments that are members of this network continues to grow and share information. Certain schools or universities usually have their respective strengths, with this program, all who joined in unity and mutual sharing of information into a very solid strength.

iSchools promote an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the opportunities and challenges of information management, with basic concepts such as universal access and user-centered organizational information. iSchool widely associated with questions about design and sustainability in the information space, from digital and virtual spaces such as online communities, social networking, World Wide Web, and database to physical spaces such as libraries, museums, collections, and other repositories.

With the iSchool, all information in a centralized network database, so the preferred devices such as tablet pc to be able to access the data directly. Therefore, it is not surprising that few schools or universities that are members of the iSchool requires the students to have a tablet pc. Of several schools in the United States is seen when using a tablet pc like ipad is no longer a strange thing that in the future a very large likelihood there will be no printed books.

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