Friday, August 9, 2013

In addition to efficacy Tea to Drink Can also to Reduce Stress and Contain Antioxidants

Properties of tea are drunk already widely known, such as reducing stress and antioxidants. But in addition to functioning as a healthy and refreshing drink, tea also has other functions. Tea contains L-theanine and caffeine. Caffeine is known as a psychoactive affects mood (feeling) and cognitive performance. L-theanine is also regarded as a psychoactive, which works to increase brain activity.

There are several other benefits of tea are beneficial such as:
1. Use as a dry tea deodorizing. Dry tea will absorb odors in your refrigerator.
2. Use tea for cleaning windows and mirrors.
3. Use fresh scented tea as potpourri, place around your home or in a drawer.
4. Use the tea as a refreshing your feet by soaking your feet in tea.
5. Save the tea bags in your medicine cabinet, to relieve insect bites.
6. Sprinkle dry tea leaves before grilling over charcoal, it can add flavor to your food.
7. Use the tea as a compress for puffy eyes.
8. Relieve sunburned skin with a compress soaked in tea water

Other facts about tea is about:
1. Drink 2-3 cups of black tea (black tea) every day use can improve mental performance.
2. Tea is the most consumed beverage in the world, after water, on top of other popular beverages such as beer and wine (the wine).
3. Aroma of tea can be relaxing and feeling comfortable pose.
4. People who drink unsweetened tea regularly as part of a lifestyle balance and a healthy polamakan, has been proven to show more heart healthy than those who do not consume tea.
5. Tea when served without milk and sugar contains almost no calories. For those who have a weight control plan, tea is an ideal choice when having to replace sugary drinks.
6. Tea is the perfect source of fluoride and therefore could play a role in healthy tooth. Flavonoiddalam content of tea has been shown to increase the acid resistance of enamel and acts as an antibacterial agent.
7. Tea (not herbal tea) is the only beverage that contains L-theanine and amino acid naturally found in tea.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Free Yourself From Health Dilemma

Life is full of choices. And when we talk about the options, given bid is not always the opposite. In fact, not infrequently, we find that offer different advantages and disadvantages thin. The situation also happens when we have to decide which option is more common among other healthy options.

So, let's liberate ourselves from the dilemma of following healthy options:

Get up early and exercise.

Ideally, we slept 7-8 hours a night. And if we equip it with regular exercise every morning, it can optimize the work of our biological clock. As a result, we do not need an alarm because every morning, we would wake up at the same time and asked for the body fitness movement.

During an impact.

The time is right indicators to choose whether to use warm water or ice. And many health experts believe exercise, the first 24-48 hours post-injury muscle would be very good if tempered with ice. Do not forget, after 48 hours, the warm water will help recover muscle injury. Because warm water makes the blood circulation back smoothly so damaged muscle recovery process can be done.

Breakfast with donuts

Asleep in a bed for 8 hours at night does not mean your body does not need new energy supplies. If we do not then the breakfast hunger can not be transferred, plus our blood sugar plummeted to make us trouble concentrating.