Almost everyone knows that smoking is detrimental to health of heart. But, probably not many people know that smoking also had a hand in hair loss, graying and balding process.
Cigarette consists of 4,000 harmful chemicals which are damaging health. When cigarettes smoked, all chemicals are also inhaled. Of the entire existing chemical substances, nicotine and carbon monoxide are the 'ringleader' of hair damage.
Although gray is one of the problems of heredity, cosmetologist Dr Jamuna Pai says smoking can aggravate it. Nicotine can cause blood vessels to constrict making it difficult to pump blood from the arteries. Smoking also produces carbon monoxide inhibits the blood's capacity to carry oxygen and remove toxins.
"Both of these factors prevent hair tissue oxygenation and effective removal of free radicals from the body. Thus, it exacerbates the problem graying hair and hair loss," he said.
Both men and women may experience hair loss. Baldness in men is triggered by the male hormone androgen is responsible for damage to the hair follicles. On the other hand, women who had the hormone androgen and estrogen in their bodies. Estrogen may protect against the effects of androgen.
"Women go bald too. Threat is higher than men. However the negative effects of smoking make more hair loss experienced by men than women (it is assumed that men smoke more than women)," says trichologist Dr Apoorva Shah.
Carbon monoxide in the smoke lowers blood oxygen capacity. Smoking can cause hair growth to replace the hair cells that die from hair loss to be blocked.
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