Monday, October 14, 2013

Cultivating Goat Meat Without Smell "Prengus"

Posts mutton abundant as Eid al-Adha often create confusion. Therefore, this meat processing can not be indiscriminate. Not need tricks that cause odor prengus dish.

Prengus odors can ruin a dish flavor. Pungent odor that can eliminate your appetite comes from goat pheromones produced by the body, especially the males.

As quoted from the pages of Natural Cooking Club, there is an easy way to process goat meat to be a delicious meal for the family. Obviously, without the smell prengus.

Friday, August 9, 2013

In addition to efficacy Tea to Drink Can also to Reduce Stress and Contain Antioxidants

Properties of tea are drunk already widely known, such as reducing stress and antioxidants. But in addition to functioning as a healthy and refreshing drink, tea also has other functions. Tea contains L-theanine and caffeine. Caffeine is known as a psychoactive affects mood (feeling) and cognitive performance. L-theanine is also regarded as a psychoactive, which works to increase brain activity.

There are several other benefits of tea are beneficial such as:
1. Use as a dry tea deodorizing. Dry tea will absorb odors in your refrigerator.
2. Use tea for cleaning windows and mirrors.
3. Use fresh scented tea as potpourri, place around your home or in a drawer.
4. Use the tea as a refreshing your feet by soaking your feet in tea.
5. Save the tea bags in your medicine cabinet, to relieve insect bites.
6. Sprinkle dry tea leaves before grilling over charcoal, it can add flavor to your food.
7. Use the tea as a compress for puffy eyes.
8. Relieve sunburned skin with a compress soaked in tea water

Other facts about tea is about:
1. Drink 2-3 cups of black tea (black tea) every day use can improve mental performance.
2. Tea is the most consumed beverage in the world, after water, on top of other popular beverages such as beer and wine (the wine).
3. Aroma of tea can be relaxing and feeling comfortable pose.
4. People who drink unsweetened tea regularly as part of a lifestyle balance and a healthy polamakan, has been proven to show more heart healthy than those who do not consume tea.
5. Tea when served without milk and sugar contains almost no calories. For those who have a weight control plan, tea is an ideal choice when having to replace sugary drinks.
6. Tea is the perfect source of fluoride and therefore could play a role in healthy tooth. Flavonoiddalam content of tea has been shown to increase the acid resistance of enamel and acts as an antibacterial agent.
7. Tea (not herbal tea) is the only beverage that contains L-theanine and amino acid naturally found in tea.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Free Yourself From Health Dilemma

Life is full of choices. And when we talk about the options, given bid is not always the opposite. In fact, not infrequently, we find that offer different advantages and disadvantages thin. The situation also happens when we have to decide which option is more common among other healthy options.

So, let's liberate ourselves from the dilemma of following healthy options:

Get up early and exercise.

Ideally, we slept 7-8 hours a night. And if we equip it with regular exercise every morning, it can optimize the work of our biological clock. As a result, we do not need an alarm because every morning, we would wake up at the same time and asked for the body fitness movement.

During an impact.

The time is right indicators to choose whether to use warm water or ice. And many health experts believe exercise, the first 24-48 hours post-injury muscle would be very good if tempered with ice. Do not forget, after 48 hours, the warm water will help recover muscle injury. Because warm water makes the blood circulation back smoothly so damaged muscle recovery process can be done.

Breakfast with donuts

Asleep in a bed for 8 hours at night does not mean your body does not need new energy supplies. If we do not then the breakfast hunger can not be transferred, plus our blood sugar plummeted to make us trouble concentrating.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Efficacious Chocolate Milk Compared with Sports Drinks

Energy drink ads may already be familiar to most people. Starting from the form of sachets, cans or bottles. But fat-free chocolate milk proved to be more efficacious than the restoring force athletes variety of energy drinks. Experts agree that the recovery of energy for athletes two hours after exercise or other strenuous activity is important. But it is often overlooked.

Yet after heavy activity, the recovery period is critical for active people. This to help maximize your stamina and maintain performance remained excellent in the next activity. Researchers found that fat-free chocolate milk can keep the body, fill and rebuild the muscles to help the body recover. Fat-free chocolate milk is more effective than the liquid carbohydrate specifically designed to add energy.

Drink fat-free chocolate milk after exercise or perform activities that expend a lot of energy, can help prepare muscles to perform the next game or activity. The combination of carbohydrates and protein content of the milk chocolate found in the ratio of the most profitable and best suited to restore power.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Chemical Substances Could Threaten Reproductive Organs

Case of disruption of the reproductive organs lately increased. In addition to abnormalities in the reproductive organs, various studies show girls today are experiencing puberty faster than a few decades ago. Little girls in the United States is now experiencing early puberty, which had begun at the age of 7 years. Puberty is characterized by the development of breasts and pubic hair growth in women. In a report published in the journal Pediatrics, the researchers suggested there are several factors that can affect the early onset of puberty, among other genetic factors, environmental polluted chemicals, increased body fat, and obesity.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Super Foods to Prevent Breast Cancer

Arguably, the most frightening disease for women is breast cancer. The risk of losing the breast, even death, have occurred when hearing the disease. Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women, and more than 50 percent of patients are found in the high stage. Prior to this deadly disease attacks the body, experts have found the super foods that can prevent breast cancer.

Limit dairy products

Milk, cheese and yogurt should be limited, because these foods can increase your calorie intake without contributing much to cancer protection. So, you can consider replacing cow's milk with soy milk. Eggs will also be more beneficial to your daily intake.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Recognize Milk and Usefulness

Milk has many useful benefits for body.

In healthy menu known term "four of five perfectly healthy". Perfecting this is milk. This term is not excessive because this clean white drinks contain complete nutrition than other beverages that milk has many properties that are very useful for the body. Milk is usually known as a booster drinks bones and teeth because of its calcium content. But, in fact there are many nutrients that exist, such as phosphorus, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, amino acid and pantothenic acid. Of course nutrition is useful to support the health of your body.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tips to Maintain Healthy Body in Office

Start Living Healthy in the Office.

Though quite heavy work at the office and busy, but that does not mean we can not live a healthy life. Can we live a healthy life in our own offices without the need to go to gym or fitness center. To start a healthy life in the office, the first step you should avoid snacking at work, and on the way to the cafeteria, choose to walk away.

Tips for living a healthy life in the office:

- Drink enough water.
Day approximately 8-10 glasses will make us avoid dehydration. Usually at 3 pm we started to feel dehydrated Factor it all in due to bad weather.

- Snack can accompany you to work in the office.
It's nice, but it will certainly add more calories than needed so that over time will make the weight to be increased. If you are hungry, go ahead to eat fruits such as cherry or grape fruit.

- Eat a healthy lunch.
Start eating foods that contain nutrients, healthy lunch or both of how the presentation numbers are very important to maintain the health of our bodies.

- Maintain the health and stamina.
One important factor to maintain the health and stamina of our body is through exercise. One way is the streets during lunch break, in addition to burning calories, as well as relieve stress and refresh shortly after work.

- Tired eyes in front of a computer.
Eye fatigue can cause dizziness, loss of concentration and also prevent eyestrain silau.Untuk keep the distance between the eyes and the screen should be as wide as your arm will feel comfortable and without having wrinkled eyes to read. If you can not read it at a safe distance to do is to enlarge the size of the letters.

- Avoid fatigue.
Do not be too focused on the job can also lower the immune system, but this is usually not recognized until at some point the stress increased and will ruin our mood or feelings and friendship. This is another example of stress is usually referred to as fatigue that affects the immune system, insomnia, and difficulty concentrating. The solution is often long and irregular breathing. If you need to get out for a while, breathe fresh air, take a deep breath and fill your lungs with oxygen.

- Vacationing.
These tips because a lot of people liked to maintain your health. Vacation is very important to everyone, because it certainly will restore your stamina like we had to replace the battery on our bodies. Holiday will help you let go of stress and release tired.

- Danger Keyboard, mouse, and telephone.
Due to it all is one of the bacteria and viruses and can make you sick. Then you have to wear any hurry wash your hands or body.

For cleaning it is recommended to use a disinfectant that can be sprayed on your phone.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Overcoming the Common Cold

Who has not been in the wind? Almost everyone has experienced it. But surprisingly, the medical world does not know the term colds. Surprisingly again, almost every minute always appear advertising of medicinal products or cold medicine on television. I do not know, usually the doctors it is like to make a difficult term to understand the general public.

People who catch a cold will usually experience abdominal bloating, nausea and pain. Plus can not fart and burp. But need to be aware if it feels pain and tightness in the chest. It could be that it is the wind sits. It can be fatal, the sudden death!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Do not Ever Pressing the F1 key Browsing Time !

Microsoft found a weakness in its software. To prevent this vulnerability exploited, the Redmond giant also recommends users not to press F1 when browsing the internet site.
As quoted from the Microsoft Security Advisory, a weakness has been discovered in VBScript. Precisely, this weakness will affect computers running Windows XP and Internet Explorer browser (IE).

This weakness could be exploited when a user presses the F1 key. The button is usually used to call the function help (Help menu) in Windows applications

Friday, May 31, 2013

Plus-Minus Social Network for Children and Youth

The use of social networking sites reaping a lot of criticism, as the number of negative cases that occur in the real world involving such services.

Not always a social networking site always be bad for children and adolescents. Actually, all the back to each individual. If used in a positive way then the result will be good, and vice versa. Back again, the family plays an important role to control the child's activity on the internet. Like what positive effects / negative?

Positive effects:

- Children and teens can learn to develop technical and social skills that are needed in today's digital era. They will learn how to adapt, socialize with the public and managing a network of friends.

- Expanding the network of friends. Thanks to social networking sites, children become more easy to make friends with others around the world, although most of whom they've never met in person.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How To Eliminate Scars On Skin

The scar is very disturbing appearance of good looks and beauty. Moreover, the scars are located in open areas such as arms, legs, face and other visible parts. Did you ever have a wound and exposed to stubborn? You've tried many scar removal products, but still it does not work? Take it as the following article will discuss about the scar removal using natural ingredients.

Of course scars make us less confident, insecure and always trying to cover up the scars that are not visible. Because every woman would want a smooth white skin free of blemishes and scars. Immediately following some way get rid of scars:

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Did you know: How Muslim Women Dressed..???

Aurat cover: The main requirement is to meet the criteria of Muslim fashion cover nakedness, majority of scholars have argued, female genitalia in general is all part of her body except the face and palms.

Not tight and transparent: The women who dressed but in essence they were naked, going on away from the scent of heaven (HR.Muslim). This happens to those who do not dress to cover nakedness, or strict and transparent to reveal the contours of her body.

Clean, beautiful and wonder: Pay attention to cleanliness, neatness, harmony and decency is also a dress code which is constantly exemplified by the Prophet in their daily life.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

World's Largest Island

The world's largest island is Greenland. Australia declared as a continent because this land has unique plants and animals. Antarctica also is a continent that is larger than Europe and Australia. Greenland is huge though, has most habitats of North America.

For the smallest island in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records is the Bishop Rock. The island is located in the south-west of England and one of 1040 small islands around the UK. The only building standing here just yagn lighthouse.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

If you don't want Balding, Stop Smoking..!!!

Almost everyone knows that smoking is detrimental to health of heart. But, probably not many people know that smoking also had a hand in hair loss, graying and balding process. Cigarette consists of 4,000 harmful chemicals which are damaging health. When cigarettes smoked, all chemicals are also inhaled. Of the entire existing chemical substances, nicotine and carbon monoxide are the 'ringleader' of hair damage. Although gray is one of the problems of heredity, cosmetologist Dr Jamuna Pai says smoking can aggravate it. Nicotine can cause blood vessels to constrict making it difficult to pump blood from the arteries. Smoking also produces carbon monoxide inhibits the blood's capacity to carry oxygen and remove toxins. "Both of these factors prevent hair tissue oxygenation and effective removal of free radicals from the body. Thus, it exacerbates the problem graying hair and hair loss," he said. Both men and women may experience hair loss. Baldness in men is triggered by the male hormone androgen is responsible for damage to the hair follicles. On the other hand, women who had the hormone androgen and estrogen in their bodies. Estrogen may protect against the effects of androgen. "Women go bald too. Threat is higher than men. However the negative effects of smoking make more hair loss experienced by men than women (it is assumed that men smoke more than women)," says trichologist Dr Apoorva Shah. Carbon monoxide in the smoke lowers blood oxygen capacity. Smoking can cause hair growth to replace the hair cells that die from hair loss to be blocked.

Monday, May 20, 2013

3 Easy Steps To Get Beautiful Skin.

Crave beautiful skin? No need to dream anymore. No need expensive cost, no need maintenance difficult. Simply provide a 10-minute course, glowing skin instantly you get. Here's how.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Are there any Meteorite That Killed Due?

When the movies and youtube videos showing how some asteroids are heading Earth, ESA (European Space Agency) in charge of monitoring thousands of stars, asteroids and comets nearby states, very small possibility of large objects will exist that will hit the earth in the next 500 thousand years .

A comet consists mostly of ice. An asteroid made ​​stone and metal. Whereas fractions called meteoroids. When a meteoroid enters Earth's athmosphere, they will leave a trail of light that can be seen tailed, this is called a meteor. And sometimes we call shooting stars.

When a meteoroid pounding the earth, they are called meteorites. About 500 small meteorites fall to Earth each year, and most of them will fall into the sea or into areas that are not inhabited. They are very small due to meteoroid broke when it enters the earth's athmosphere, even mostly evaporated or destroyed before it hits the sea or land. A meteorite could be the size of a small stone, but mostly smaller than a pea.

Monday, May 13, 2013

How to Maintain Eye Health

healthy eyes
Structure and function of the eyes is very very complex and amazing, is an incomparable pleasure has been given by Allah SWT to mankind.

Imagine how heavy work assignments and responsibilities as a constant currency and as long as people are still alive and not asleep or unconscious, eyes adjusting the amount of light entering, focusing on objects near and far and to produce a continuous picture immediately delivered to the brain .

Many are not aware that working in front of a computer every day will make the eyes tired. Not to mention the activities of watching TV or playing games. All of it will have negative effects on the eyes, because the eyes do not stop stop raising or narrow diafrahmanya for adaptation.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Who is the Creator Light Bulbs?

It turns out that instead of creating the light bulb Thomas Edison. Bulb was already used 50 years before Edison filed the patent in 1879. And as additional information, the British inventor named Joseph Swan had obtained a patent bulb a year earlier.

Edison continued his pace to get the most benefit from patent bulb, but Edison Swan eventually prosecute under the pretext of copyright infringement and Swan win. As part of the agreement, Edison Swan was forced to accept a partner who eventually became the forerunner of the founding of General Electric.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Seven Tips for a Healthy Diet

Dieting does not mean eating less drastically. An unbalanced diet will only harm your health. The following nine tips from Geniusbeauty could be a way out for your diet.

1. Do not let hunger. Dieting does not mean starving letting your stomach for a long time. If you eat when things are very hungry, so the amount of food you eat will be more and more. Calories into the body even more and more. Rather than let the hungry stomach, better provide healthy snacks that have such a low calorie fruit or yoghurt so not too hungry stomach.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Goodbye Print Books?

Print Books
In 2005, several schools and universities in the United States began a joint program that iSchool (Information School). All schools, universities and departments that are members of this network continues to grow and share information. Certain schools or universities usually have their respective strengths, with this program, all who joined in unity and mutual sharing of information into a very solid strength.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Create PDF Documents.

Nowadays computer has become a primary need almost all the office may even have kepelosok village. With so many different types of computers with the operating system in it, sometimes the difficulty to share documents. Many ways for people to send documents to a format which is common in open format by others, for example in image format, jpeg, tiff and others. But there is one more format used by most computer users, the Portable Document Format or PDF.

Normal PDF is opened by the free software Adobe Reader. But to change our documents into PDF format, Adobe has not issued a free version. Fortunately there is a very good software that can do this. This is a PDF Creator.